What's New on Planet Freegan?
Corporatista fascist wars and fanatical terrorism around the globe keep creating new urban, suburban and rural wastelands - not to mention killing and maiming living things. So does ecological devastation. Your photos could be here. Show people what is going on in your world. Photos must be gif. or jpg. format and tight due to space limitations.
What's New with U?
If U have news about the freegan community, or something new to announce, it could be here.Please share news about freegan communities coming available for PLANET FREEGAN culture builders, as well as information about shared transport to new projects around this blue-green world that need extraterrestrial assistance from more advanced planetary systems. For example, one activist thinks we could be building work/residential towers connected by high speed magnetic mono-rail trains. Do U think that would work better than the present wasteful system?
photo of a freegan cafe in Houston, Texas, circa 2001, run by an Ethiopian freegan at old Westbury Square, a delapidated old theme shopping mall with European styling that is rotting to the ground because the cafe owner can't fix equipment and problems, and the owners won't maintain the property well, but don't want others to buy them out or do so either. Why? The evil capitalista tax write-off. Taxes are fraud, robbery of the people by the rich for the rich! Taxes are also constitutionally illegal and non-egalitarian since the big corporations never pay their fair share because they write everything off, supposedly so they can reinvest in the economy and create more wage slavery for workers who pay more taxes. In reality, only the wage slaves pay back most of real earnings in taxes, in sales taxes, toll taxes, and personal income taxes. Tax reforms for the PEOPLE are needed now. Freegans won't slave for worthless dollars, so they pay no taxes. Let Ur representative kno what U think about this, but KNO that anarchists, civil rights activists, freegans, and creative autonomists (artists) like Freegan will tell us that as long as any bogus taxing authority exists that is truly NOT FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE, there can be no real reform - only more fraud, corruption, and theft of the people's labor by big corporate governments that do corporatista bidding behind the scenes and under the tables. The politicans and media pundits are all mostly paid liars, charlatans, and spin doctors.